Healthy Living

Horizons Newark offers daily structured recreation, including: swimming, yoga, organized fitness games, and dance. The happy result: better self-confidence and better fitness.

Wellness Wednesdays programming is a unique way that Horizons Newark has continued to focus on healthy living amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. Students tune in from their homes and have the opportunity to engage in yoga and counseling sessions to help with stress and anxiety, and it provides them with an opportunity for time away from remote learning to move, stretch, and breathe.

Nutrition is important, too. Horizons students receive a healthy breakfast, lunch, and snack every day. Horizons Newark is gracious to be located at Philips Academy Charter School with a beautiful rooftop garden where students learn how to cultivate fruits and vegetables, the importance of healthy eating, and how to cook nutritious meals with the produce they pick.

To further emphasize the importance of a healthy everyday lifestyle, families receive fresh produce weekly to take home and students participate in field trips to grocery stores showing how healthy living can be part of everyday life.