Get Involved

Horizons Ambassador

Spread the word!

A great way to make a difference for Horizons is to share what we do. Be sure to follow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and share program updates on your social channels. Even better, write us with a testimonial about your experience with Horizons (donor, volunteer, community partner) and we can share it with our network.

AND, tell your friends about us and have them do the same! 

Event & Development Volunteer

Put the FUN in FUNdraiser!

There’s no better way to support Horizons than to 1) get others involved and 2) raise money to support the cause. You can do this virtually or in-person (when safe!) A few ideas are below but there are so many creative ways to fundraise and we’d love to hear what you come up with.

  • Choose Horizons Newark on Facebook as the recipient of your birthday fundraiser
  • Host a “fitraiser” when participants can join yoga, powerwalk, or bike ride using the Peloton app
  • Host a house or Zoom get together to benefit Horizons Newark

For more information about how you can get involved, email Joanna Carroll, Executive Director: